After all the beautiful weddings on various blogs I look at every single day, this is my favorite I've seen in a while. Then I found out that this wedding is not far from where our wedding will be next year and I liked it even more!! Click
here to see more!
I love the flowers, the charm and the handmade, special details.

How lovely is it that the bride, a talented artist, did all the
illustrations and paper goods!?
I just loved the bride's advice.Have fun, and remember to savor every single moment of the entire process! A wedding is not just one day. It starts with the proposal and spans over every second of planning, every moment of indecision over a detail, every victory over a project, and every minute of incredible joy up until you both collapse together at the end of the wedding day, exhausted and blissfully married. Up until that final day, focus on the things you have control over and learn to accept the things you don’t. On the wedding day itself, just dismiss all those what-if’s and could-have’s. Something is bound to go astray if not just a little; don’t let it bother you because in the end the only thing that matters is marrying the person you love. So relax, go with the flow, and celebrate every second. It really will be the best day of your life.
This makes me so excited for next September!!