Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Wedding Momentos (the video II)

Yesterday I shared one of my favorite, perfectly shot, perfectly edited, perfectly out of my budget videos. Today I want to share a whole completely different video option. Wedit is a company that offers an affordable wedding videography alternative. They send you 5 digital cameras to pass out to your friends and family to capture the day. After the wedding you collect the cameras and send them back and they edit the footage and send you the finished product.

I think the concept is really cool and I have been considering this option for a while. The pros are, obviously the price and the fact that it's your friends and family capturing the day and will show an interesting perspective from your guests. The cons are that you have no idea what you will get and often the audio is not very good.

Never the less, I like the idea and the end product can be really beautiful.

Wedit Trailer Bahamas from Brett deMarrais on Vimeo.

Click here to see more.

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